Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"Pierre Joubert"


  1. You won't see real boys like Joubert's around much anymore. They scare the bejabbers out of the militant feminists, diesel dykes, straight gays and their fellow travellers who seem to be in the ascendency these days.

    What passes for boys today are eunuchized, emasculated hunks of barely XY chromoasomes who mind their manners, who would be completely unrecognizable and butts of ridicule for the real boys of even forty years ago.

    You want to know what the main threat to America is today???It isn't Al-qaida....it's the extermination of those qualities that make boys boys, and make those who aren't boys wish they were.

    Baden-Powell, where are you today when boyhood needs you??? On second thought, don't bother coming back. The screamin' PC-ite loonies would trump up some cockamamie charge and have you put away even if you were pure as the driven snow...

    Mr. Chips

    1. What an efffing moron you are. This is the Gayest shit I've ever seen in my life!

  2. It's cool brother you're among comrades,..chill. It's cool.
